Sunday, April 10, 2016

Travel in Khorvaire

Travel in Khorvaire

House Orien Lightning Rail
     The Orien lightning rail is a marvel of magical invention. When the kingdom of Galifar was at its height, House Orien and House Cannith took on a special commission from the king. The king wanted a means to connect the farthest parts of the kingdom that could move people and goods quickly and efficiently. House Cannith created conductor stones - wondrous items that, when arranged along a route in pairs, formed a conduit through which a coach could travel at great speed. For propulsion, it turned to Zilargo for a vehicle with a bound elemental - in this case, an air elemental to propel the coach through the conduit. When the stones mounted on a coach pass over stones arranged n the ground, a sparking effect is produced, giving the lightning rail its name.
     House Cannith provides the means, while House Orien maintains and operates the lightning rail system. A limited pathway of conductor stones are laid out across what was once Galifar. Today, conductor stone paths connect the nations of Aundair, Breland, Thrane, and Zilargo in the west, and Karrnath, the Talenta Plains, and the Mror Holds in the east.

House Lyrander Airship
House Lyrander operates elemental flying vessels (usually utilizing bound air or fire elementals) to make rapid air travel possible across Khorvaire. Built in Zilargo, these vessels can sometimes be found in privateer hands, but the pilots of House Lyrander are renowned for their skill and expertise. Airships have the advantage of being able to go anywhere - provided the pilot and crew are willing to make the trip. Most House Lyrander vessels only fly between metropolises and large cities. To go elsewhere by air, you need to find a privateer. Since they are relatively new, airships have not come into widespread use yet.

House Lyrander Wind Galleon
House Lyrander's galleons, built to specifications  in Zilargo, use bound elementals to speed them across the seas. The hull of a wind galleon is similar to that of any traditional wind-powered vessel, but it has only rudeimentary mast and sails. On the aft deck, a large tower holds a massive ring with a bound elemental.

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