Sunday, April 10, 2016

International Travel

International Travel

     House Deneith is charged by international decree with securing international borders. The border guards are adept at using magical and mundane means to patrol their jurisdiction. At road and lightning rail crossings, border towns, and airship docking towers, House Deneith's scrutiny is intense. Here, rather than falcons and dogs, Baron Breven's chief security tool is a set of documents known as traveling papers.
     To cross a border legally, a traveler must present traveling papers to the border guards on duty. The Notaries Guild of House Sivis issues traveling papers that are valid for 4 years. The papers identify all travelers, list their residence, destination or destinations, and reason for travel. House Sivis charges 25gp to prepare these papers, and many travelers protect their documents with a densewood flipcase (5gp).
     If a traveler stopped by a border guard does not have his papers, he can purchase temporary traveling papers from any House Orien, House Lyrander, or House Deneith agent (including the arresting border guard himself). A character witness must be present. These papers expire after one journey. Temporary traveling papers are scribed on cheap ash pulp, yet they cost 100gp.

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