Sunday, April 10, 2016

Five Things Every Brelish Knows

1. The Galifar Code of Justice. Every citizen of Breland learns the basics of the Code of Justice, especially as it pertains to the rights afforded individuals in any situation. This knnowledge boild down to the right to defend yourself, the right to confront your accuser, and the right to open debate. Of course, the Code contains many additional rights and las, but these tend to be the most important for the average Brelish citizen.

2. That different is just different. Tolerant and accepting, the average Brelish believes that different isn't better or worse, good or bad; it's just different. Different races, different faiths, different cultures...the Brelish, on the whole, are the most accepting and unifying people of Khorvaire.

3. Something about the weather. Everyone in Breland has an opinion about the weather, and they love to discuss their views and share them with others This is especially true in the southern portions of the country, where the weather seems to vary between two states - hot and wet, or hotter and wetter.

4. The virtues of democracy. Unique among the Five Nations, Breland has long been experimenting with a new form of government. While the monarchy remains in place, many other duties of government, including legislation, falls to a partially elected body - the Brelish Parliament. Thanks to town meetings where all citizens have a voice and the right to vote for the elected members of the parliament, the Brelish understand the rights, responsibilities of democracy, as well as the great gift they have to live in such a progressive nation.

5. The wisdom of Beggar Dane. Out of the pages of the Sharn Inquisitive, the simple lessons for living popularized by this anonymous street bard have become ingrained in the Brelish mindset. The include: "A copper piece in the cup is a copper piece earned", "Never borrow, never lend", "The silent man has noone to blame but himself" and "A magewright in the town is worth an army in the winderness."

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