Sunday, March 22, 2015

Quick Facts

Quick Facts
  • The year is 998 YK (Year of the Kingdom, named after the founding of the Kingdom of Galifar on Khorvaire, not Year of Our Lord Andrew Y.K.).
  • When King Jarot died, his 5 heirs fought for the crown, dragging their Five Nations into a devastating war that lasted for 102 years.
  • The Last War has just ended in Khorvaire, with the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold in 996 YK.
    • This peace treaty established 12 kingdoms in place of the original Five Nations.
  • Magic is pervasive throughout Khorvaire, often serving in place of technology to offer many conveniences to daily life.
    • The Artificier, a new class, embodies this spin on traditional magic.
  • Different houses offer various magical services including goods (House Cannith; also warfored repair), communication (House Sivis), healing (House Jorasco), hospitality (House Ghallanda), transportation including the lightning rail (House Orien) and airships (House Lyrandar) as befitting their representative Dragonmarks.

The Creation of Eberron
In the mythic past, the world was one and the progenitor wyrms, the first and greatest of dragonkind, ruled all. The three most powerful – Siberys, Eberron, and Khyber – discovered (or created) the Prophecy. A world-shattering struggle ensued, splitting the world into three parts and scattering the Prophecy across the width and breadth of existence. In the end, Siberys became the glowing ring that surrounds the world (ed. I imagine that this approximates Saturn's rings), Khyber was bound in the darkest depths, and Eberron healed the world between by becoming one with it. Siberys called forth the next generation of dragons, Eberron created all manner of living things, and Khyber spat out the fiends.

Some things that have happened within your lifetime (or a little before):
845 YK: King Jarot begins a public works project to connect all of central Khorvaire via lightning rail. Within 20 years, lines connect the Five Nations, Zilargo, the Mror Holds, and the Talenta Plains.
965 YK: House Cannith perfects the modern-era warforged, living constructs designed to fight the Last War.
990 YK: The first elemental airships go into service for House Lyrander.
994 YK: Cyre is destroyed; the Mournland is created.
996 YK: The Treaty of Thronehold.

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