Saturday, March 28, 2015

Keeping Track of Time

Keeping Time

      The people of Khorvaire mark the passage of time according to the standards developed by the dragonmarked houses (partially based on draconic measures) and sanctioned by the rulers of Galifar almost a thousand years ago.
      Days are 24 hours long, divided into day and night. Seven days make up a week, four weeks a month, and 12 months a year. The months correspond to the 12 moons of Eberron and share their names, and the prominent moon carries the name of the month in which its orbit brings it closest to the planet. The moons and months are tied to the dragonmarks by tradition and legend. A 13th mark and moon once existed. It was a dark mark devoted to abilities concerned with death and the undead. Most consider the 13th mark to be nothing more than legend, but there are those that know better.
      While a particular culture may count the years dating from some significant event in its past, the common calendar of Khorvaire is the Galifar calendar. This reckoning of years was developed during the reign of Galifar the Dark, 3rd ruler to sit upon the throne of Galifar. It counts from the founding of the kingdom to the present day. The dragonmarked houses adopted and use this calendar, as do the governments and people of Khorvaire's nations.

Days of the Week: Sul---Mol---Zol---Wir---Zor---Far---Sar

Months of the Year:
Zarantyr           Mid-winter           Storm Dragonmark
Olarune            Late winter           Sentinel
Therendor        Early spring          Healing
Eyre                 Mid-spring            Making
Dravago           Late spring           Handling
Nymm              Early summer      Hospitality
Lharvion          Mid-summer        Detection
Barrakas           Late summer        Finding
Rhaan               Early autumn        Scribing
Sypheros          Mid-autumn          Shadow
Aryth                Late autumn         Passage
Vult                  Early winter         Warding

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