Sunday, March 22, 2015


Capital: Wroat
King: Boranel was crowned in 961 YK
Population: 3,700,000 (44% humans, 14% gnomes, 10% half-elves, 8% elves, 7% dwarves, 4% halflings, 4% changelings, 4% goblinoids, 3% orcs, 2% other)
Exports: Weapons, armour, tools, processed ore, metalwork, manufactured goods, heavy industry
Languages: Common, gnome, Elven, Dwarven, Halfling, Orc, Goblin, Sahuagin.
Religion: Breland's citizens mainly belong to the Church of the Silver Flame or the Sovereign Host, though as a wholethe nation isn't strongly religious – the Brelish have more faith in themselves and their king than in gods who never walk the land. Nevertheless, Sharn's eclectic cosmopolitanism extends to faiths as well; representatives and followers of almost every religion and faith can be found. A few of the more violent and dangerous cults have forged hiding places within the nation. A Blood of Vol temple has been established, quietly and in secret, somewhere deep within the towers of Sharn. A number of separate groups devoted to the Dragon Below have long held positions of power and influence within the nation, though they rarely reveal their true nature or intentions.

Adventuring in Breland: Farms, ranches, and great estates dot the Brelish countryside, covering the open land in the North and rising up alongside rivers in the South. While about half of Breland's population lives as farmers, ranchers, and peasants devoted to the estates of the Brelish aristocracy, the other half lives and works in and around the nation's growing centers of trade and industry – the towns and cities that have grown up in diverse parts of the domain. The nation contains two metropolises, Wroat and Sharn, as well as numerous towns, villages, and cities.
     Breland enjoys a safe and relatively peaceful existence. Trade roads, caravan routes, and the king's roads crisscross the countryside, promoting travel. Ships navigate the rivers and connect the Brelish ports to those throughout Khorvaire. An extensive system of lightning ril conductor stones connects the nation to Aundair, Thrane, and Zilargo, and from these locations to more distant realms. Airship docks can be found in most of Breland's major metropolitan centers, including Wroat and Sharn.
      While the farms and cities are safe and secure, for the most part, there are places where life and limb are at risk. The environs around the Blackcaps, for instance, often attract monsters and evil bands that hide within the mountains and strike when the opportunity presents itself. Monstrous warbands can appear out of Droaam without warning – if the Last War still continues anywhere, it does so along the Droaam-Breland border. The Mournland occasionally spits some horror or another out of its dead-grey mists, and pirates regularly strike from the Southern seas.
      Many adventurers get their start in Sharn, the City of Towers. The place is rife with danger, opportunities, and adventure potential, making it a natural magnet for those seeking to make a living by the sword, the spell, or their skills. While the upper portions of the city have the same troubles plaguing them as any major metropolis, the lower portions of the city quickly transform from crime-ridden tenements to monster-filled dungeons. For this reason, some adventurers never need leave the City of Towers to enjoy busy careers and fill their coffers. Sharn also presents a number of gateways to the rest of the world. From its ports and airship docks and lightning rail stations, all of Khorvaire and beyond can be reached. Indeed, if there is a clear path to the mysterious continent of Xen'drik, it starts in Sharn.
      The people of Breland love liberty and freedom. They are a tolerant, accepting people, with a tendency to be friendly and helpful. They are disposed to liking those of Aundarian and Zil descent, and they feel an obligation towards the refugees of Cyre. Mostly ambivalent toward the people of Thrane, many Brelish still harbour feelings of anger and fear where the Karrns are concerned. If it comes from Droaam, the Brelish have a tendency to strike first and ask questions later. Even then, a lone, monstrous humanoid can find acceptance in Sharn, as long as it doesn't cause any trouble.

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